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Text File  |  2000-03-17  |  3KB  |  204 lines

  2. ; JSP syntax file written by ES-Computing.
  4. #DELIMITER=,(){}[]-+*%/="'~!&|<>?:;.
  5. #QUOTATION1='
  6. #QUOTATION2="
  10. #COMMENTON=/*
  11. #COMMENTOFF=*/
  12. #COMMENTON2=
  14. #ESCAPE=\
  15. #CASE=y
  16. #PREFIX1=
  17. #PREFIX2=
  18. #PREFIX3=
  19. #PREFIX4=
  20. #PREFIX5=
  21. #SUFFIX1=
  22. #SUFFIX2=
  23. #SUFFIX3=
  24. #SUFFIX4=
  25. #SUFFIX5=
  27. #SCRIPT_BEGIN=<%
  28. #SCRIPT_END=%>
  30. #KEYWORD=Reserved words
  31. abstract
  32. break
  33. byte
  34. boolean
  35. catch
  36. case
  37. class
  38. char
  39. continue
  40. default
  41. double
  42. do
  43. else
  44. extends
  45. false
  46. final
  47. float
  48. for
  49. finally
  50. if
  51. import
  52. implements
  53. int
  54. interface
  55. instanceof
  56. long
  57. length
  58. native
  59. new
  60. null
  61. package
  62. private
  63. protected
  64. public
  65. final
  66. return
  67. switch
  68. synchronized
  69. short
  70. static
  71. super
  72. try
  73. true
  74. this
  75. throw
  76. throws
  77. threadsafe
  78. transient
  79. void
  80. while
  82. #KEYWORD=Predifined classes
  83. ; java.lang
  84. Boolean
  85. Character
  86. Class
  87. ClassLoader
  88. Cloneable
  89. Double
  90. ExceptionInInitializerError
  91. Float
  92. Integer
  93. Long
  94. Math
  95. Number
  96. Object
  97. Process
  98. Runnable
  99. Runtime
  100. SecurityManager
  101. String
  102. StringBuffer
  103. System
  104. Thread
  105. ThreadGroup
  106. Throwable and its Subclasses
  108. ; java.util
  109. BitSet
  110. Date
  111. Dictionary
  112. EmptyStackException
  113. Enumeration
  114. Hashtable
  115. NoSuchElementException
  116. Observable
  117. Observer
  118. Properties
  119. Random
  120. Stack
  121. StringTokenizer
  122. Vector
  124. ; java.io
  125. BufferedInputStream
  126. BufferedOutputStream
  127. ByteArrayInputStream
  128. ByteArrayOutputStream
  129. DataInput
  130. DataInputStream
  131. DataOutput
  132. DataOutputStream
  133. EOFException
  134. File
  135. FileDescriptor
  136. FileInputStream
  137. FilenameFilter
  138. FileNotFoundException
  139. FileOutputStream
  140. FilterInputStream
  141. FilterOutputStream
  142. InputStream
  143. InterruptedIOException
  144. IOException
  145. LineNumberInputStream
  146. OutputStream
  147. PipedInputStream
  148. PipedOutputStream
  149. PrintStream
  150. PushbackInputStream
  151. RandomAccessFile
  152. SequenceInputStream
  153. StreamTokenizer
  154. StringBufferInputStream
  155. UTFDataFormatException
  157. ; javax.servlet
  158. GenericServlet
  159. RequestDispatcher
  160. Servlet
  161. ServletConfig
  162. ServletContext
  163. ServletException
  164. ServletInputStream
  165. ServletOutputStream
  166. ServletRequest
  167. ServletResponse
  168. SingleThreadModel
  169. UnavailableException
  171. ; javax.servlet.http
  172. Cookie
  173. HttpServlet
  174. HttpServletRequest
  175. HttpServletResponse
  176. HttpSession
  177. HttpSessionBindingEvent
  178. HttpSessionBindingListener
  179. HttpSessionContext
  180. HttpUtils
  182. ; javax.servlet.jsp
  183. HttpJspPage
  184. JspEngineInfo
  185. JspError
  186. JspException
  187. JspFactory
  188. JspPage
  189. JspWriter
  190. PageContext
  192. ; javax.servlet.jsp.tagext
  193. BodyContent
  194. BodyTag
  195. BodyTagSupport
  196. Tag
  197. TagAttributeInfo
  198. TagData
  199. TagExtraInfo
  200. TagInfo
  201. TagLibraryInfo
  202. TagSupport
  203. VariableInfo
  204. #